Here is a list to say a special thank you to all of our vendors at the May Third Saturday Event. Thank you all for participating and supporting a great cause!
1. The Love and Soul Experience- Entertainment
2. Fresh Fire Health Program Center- Non Profit
3. Xi Guo Watercolors
4. SEEDCO-Affordable Health Care Act
5. Brusters Ice Cream
6. Fresh Fire From Heaven Church
7. Larimar
8. Strung Up- Nonprofit
9. YMCA Broad Street
10. Savannah Signature Sweets
11. Savannah History Shoppe/Plantation Jewels
12. Famous Funnel Cakes
13. Talia Serinese Designs
14. Sabree Gallery of Art
15. Perfect Toe Rings and Eye of Joy Art
16. Talia Sernse Jewlery
17.Fun Face
18.Black & White
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